Throughout December we are running a 24 Days of Advent Flash Offers, which will last for 24 Hours only! Each flash offer will not be repeated so please do not ask, but you are able to view the offers in advance to make sure you get the best deal on the courses you are considering!
Offers include Buy One Get One Free, site wide discounts, discounted gift vouchers and many more, all available for you to view in advance and check the best day to make your purchase!
We also offer a great selection of Gift Vouchers ranging from £10 – £500 which can be redeemed against any of our courses. For one whole weekend we will be offering 10% off our gift vouchers, so if you purchase a £300 voucher, you will pay only £270!
Don’t forget, you can then use this voucher against any course on our website, including discounted courses – increasing your savings even more!