6 Tips for Excelling As a Proof Reader

6 Tips for Excelling As a Proof Reader

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With the concentration and patience required for long-reads and highlighting any mistakes or inaccuracies in copy, proof readers are zen-like masters of the English language.

With the concentration and patience required for long-reads and highlighting any mistakes or inaccuracies in copy, proof readers are zen-like masters of the English language. Needless to say, it’s a great skill to have and is ideal for people with an excellent attention to detail, intricate understanding of grammar, and a keen eye for picking up on any grammatical mistakes.

There are a few tips to becoming an ace proof reader, so below we’ve given six of the best:

No Distractions

If you’re going to be proof reading and correcting on-screen then disconnect from the internet, hide your mobile phone, turn off the TV, and close the door. If you still don’t trust yourself not to get distracted, it’s a good idea to print your document off and go to a library or similar environment.

Don’t Read – Analyse

Ignore the content, ignore the story, and don’t read like you’re a fan. You should be analysing each sentence word by word in a scientific manner.

Read and Re-read For Clarity

Read sentences a number of times for a variety of different issues – check spelling and punctuation on one read-through of a sentence, then read it again to check grammar. Developing a methodical system of editing will lead to a more thorough proofing.

Keep a Notepad Handy

If you need to look a word up, check a date, or research a quote then make a quick note of the page number and come back to it later on. Stopping to research the issue there and then will lead to a loss of focus and throw you off your game.

Be Familiar With Frequent Mistakes

Every writer makes common mistakes the longer they’ve been writing a peace of work. Weather its mixing up their and there, too and to, or misplacing apostrophes, any writer switches off after a while and it’s up to the proof reader to be familiar with them and have an eagle eye for these mistakes. Did you spot the ones I just made?

Don’t Rely On Spell-check

If you’re proof reading on a computer, don’t overly rely on spell-check. While it can correct standard and accidental misspells, there are other spellings it will just assume are right. To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer, as the old saying goes.

If you’re an avid reader you might have a great sense of how a sentence should look, but without an understanding of basic grammar and punctuation rules then attempts at proof reading might fall a little flat. By attaining a recognised diploma you can refine your base skills and gain the qualification to start proof reading professionally.

Nick Cooper
Nick is NCC's resident blog author and covers a range of subjects, including teaching and health & social care. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.
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