The brand new HLTA course has been written due to high demand and as a progression route from the ever popular Teaching Assistant Diploma!
This home learning programme has been developed to enable those working, or hoping to work, in the role of ‘Higher Level teaching assistant’ (HLTA), to acquire and develop a level of understanding and skills that will help them to do this effectively.
The course study modules are linked to the professional standards for HLTA status which set out for teachers, employers and parents the contribution to pupils’ learning that HLTAs can be expected to make.
The standards cover three areas:
Professional attributes (standards 1-7)
These set out the attitudes, values and commitment expected of HLTAs.
Professional knowledge and understanding (standards 8-16)
These set out the knowledge and skills needed by HLTAs to be able to work effectively with teachers as part of the professional team supporting learning.
Professional skills (standards 17-33)
These set out the expectations for planning, monitoring, managing and evaluating learning within the framework of guidance and supervision agreed with the assigned teacher and in accordance with arrangements made by the headteacher of the school.
A full list and description of the 33 standards can be found in the HLTA candidate handbook (
The course modules include:
- Unit 1: Communication and Positive Relationships
- Unit 2: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment
- Unit 3: Child Development
- Unit 4: Personal Professional Development
- Unit 5: Equality and Diversity and Inclusion