Criminology is a fascinating area of study. It is the scientific study of crime, its causes and response by law enforcement agencies, as well as examining methods of prevention. It is a sub-group of sociology which is the scientific study of behaviour.
There are many sub-groups within criminology itself, which is why if are looking at exploring this topic, you will find many criminology courses on offer.
However, a significant barrier to people taking on new challenges and learning something new is time. You need to work to pay the bills. Thus you are not afforded the time to enrol at college.
There is another way. This solution allows you to carry on working and live life as you need to, as it allows you to study when you can and when you want. It may sound easy – there will be times when it is tough – but online, home study criminology courses offer you all kinds of benefits…
The process is important, as is the final destination
Studying for a qualification will make a huge difference to your life; it opens up whole new career prospects that until now may have been out of reach. But education and learning is not just about the piece of paper at the end – it is about how you learn as much as it is about what you learn.
With online and home study courses, you will learn to manage and organise your learning, honing your time management skills so that you work to maximum effect in the time you have to do so.
You will learn to order your thoughts, creating a reasoned argument in the form of reports or essays. All these skills you will practice and refine as you go through your course. You will learn self-discipline; you will learn how to find information both online, as well as using other means. Research skills are essential in criminology, as well as questioning the source

You are in control; it is your choice when you study, where you study and you determine the pace.
Your time, your choice
Life is jam-packed with all kinds of activities, as well as your job. It can seem impossible to take on anything else, let alone study criminology courses online.
It will be a challenge, but one that is enjoyable and not insurmountable. Enrolling at college sounds a great idea, but when you look at your schedule, you realise you can’t make every Tuesday evening or the Friday morning lecture and so on.
With home study courses, you won’t face these issues because you study at a time, and a pace and a place that suits you. The 20-minute commute home on the bus is the perfect time to read a chapter from a course book. You can make notes for an essay you are writing whilst cooking the evening meal and the half an hour or so you have ‘spare’ can be the perfect time to make a start on your assignment.
You are in control; it is your choice when you study, where you study and you determine the pace. Not sure about something? Then double-back and take another look. Or if you grasp a concept quickly, move on at a quicker pace.
Continuous assessment – no dreaded exams!
Online criminology courses will have a programme of continual assessment throughout the course, with some also having a larger assessment at the end of the module.
This affords you the possibility of having detailed knowledge on certain key aspects of your chosen course, rather than everything coming down to a final exam or test.
This means that many online courses are marked as a pass, although your tutor may also provide a short statement on how you studied and applied yourself.
Build your knowledge over time
Experience, knowledge and skills are three important factors that you will achieve with online criminology courses but they don’t all come at once. You will acquire a certain skill and, by applying it in different settings and situations; you will become more experienced.
Learning is similar. And when studying a new subject, you need to show that you have acquired knowledge, practiced skills and that you are ready to experience new things, all of which takes time, as well as a smattering of basic study skills too. But with home study courses, you build your knowledge over time, making sure-footed steps every time.
Enrol today
You can enrol online on one of our criminology courses, including ballistics or cyber crime diplomas. You can choose to study in a paper format, or some courses can be accessed online via our secure learning portal. Get ready to build your skills and career using our online courses with qualifications.
You can also pay in easy monthly instalments or pay in one lump sum, whichever suits your situation best – which is the essence of home learning; it is about what suits you best.