When one thinks of a proofreader, their automatic inclination is one who sits at a desk all day, looking for mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation


When one thinks of a proofreader, their automatic inclination is someone who sits at a desk all day, looking for mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Some would think that the job of a proofreader is something that basically anybody could do. While this is somewhat true, it is hardly easy to analyse and examine thousands and thousands of words of English text all day while maintaining a high level of focus and patience. This also includes the need for an exceptional grasp of the English language.

With social media now having taken over the world along with various texting apps which millions of people are using more and more during their day to day activities, it’s no surprise that our use and command of the English language has taken a bit of a hit, especially with the newer generation coming up who are immediately exposed to short-form text language before having actually mastered proper English in school.

Gone are the days when we would write long-form proper English like “How are you?” or “What are you doing tonight”. Nowadays we would much prefer to write “How r u?” or “Wht r u dng tnite?” This is largely a result of the fast-paced world that we live in, our lack of time, and our habit of becoming bored quickly. We now feel it’s better to get the point across as quickly as possible, no matter if our English breaks every rule in the book of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Not only have kids aborted spelling and grammar altogether, even the most well-educated professionals have decided that it’s more important to take the shortcut approach. So when is it most important to be able to use proper concise English? Quite clearly when people need to write an extremely impressive resume and cover letter or thesis.

Regardless of how we approach the English language and proper use of grammar and everything else, we can be assured that the grammar police will be there to educate us if we mess up enough times. So who are the grammar police or, as some would refer to these individuals as Grammar Nazi?

The grammar police are everywhere but can be found in our own friend circle on social media, forums, or in the user comments of blogs and videos. While they are not considered the most likeable personalities on the world wide web, they do provide free instruction which can be helpful to us should we want to have our own children knowing the difference between “Your” and “You’re”.

Mistakes like this can be given a pass in the cyber-world, although in the real world when it comes to examinations, thesis papers, and job applications, it’s simply a no go.

On the other hand, many grammar geeks tend to be unable to sometimes see the forest for the trees. While so hell bent on correcting grammar, they may miss the point of the post entirely. Often this may cause distress when a grammar geek would prefer to analyse the grammar in a poem instead of actually trying to understand the purpose of the poem.

This is perhaps why many times people who spend more of their time hitting the books are less likely to mingle with the party-goers. While the grammar police are sometimes appreciated, there can be trouble when they take it too far in situations where it’s not needed.

But what’s most important is knowing when to befriend a member of the grammar police. Just be sure you have one nearby when you’re in a position of competing with a few hundred other job applicants when trying to woo the HR manager with a phenomenal cover letter. At one time or another, we all will need to bring out our very best English when it really counts.

When it comes to making New Year’s resolutions, many of us fail to realise that this is simply setting goals…….

When it comes to making New Year’s resolutions, many of us fail to realise that this is simply setting goals we hope to achieve or changing our lifestyles for the better. Setting goals is something that everyone will do in their personal and professional lives, but it is how you go about achieving them on your road to success that is a huge reflection on who you are as a person.

Why achieving those goals requires some help

It’s no surprise that many of us fail to keep our New Year’s resolutions and, therefore, don’t accomplish those goals we set ourselves. When it comes to asking for help achieving our goals, we don’t tend to do this often enough, meaning the whole burden of achieving those goals (whatever they may be) is completely on us. This doesn’t help us achieve these goals, and instead can cause unnecessary pressure, and a sense of failure should we not achieve those goals.

Just as weight loss consultants can help their clients lose weight and accountancy courses can help people manage money more efficiently, locating the tools to help you achieve your goals can only be done by looking outside yourself. This is why many people turn to life coaches to help them achieve their goals.

Envision a life coach as an extra pair of eyes that are able to view you objectively and see what your strengths and weaknesses are without any bias. This enables them to take a unique approach in seeing how you can go about achieving your goals. They also act as a sounding board, giving advice and encouragement, and allowing you to change the things you perhaps don’t like about yourself, to be the best person you can be.

Becoming a life coach

If you’re thinking of setting some goals for yourself and you’ve got a good analytical mind, along with great people skills, then one of your personal and professional goals could be to train as a life coach.


The Life Coaching Diploma course from NCC aims to provide learners with key training and theory to coach people from all walks of life and assist them in achieving their aims. Whilst undertaking the training, you’ll be able to objectively view your own self, and in turn learn the skills it will take to teach people to be emotionally-free of the stumbling blocks that are created by being too attached to certain ideals.

A Life Coaching qualification could lead to a whole new career and also enable the learner to embrace the techniques learned in the course and implement into their own day-to-day life. Setting yourself up as a life coach is a wholly achievable goal in itself, so if you want to choose a career in helping others then there’s no better time than now to start as a life coach.

While not surprising, it’s the routine of all things that causes people to lose their resolve when trying to follow a plan.


If you’ve been regularly going to the gym, you may notice that it’s a little bit harder to get a turn on one of the cardio machines this week thanks to the new year’s resolutions that people have made in an effort to get into shape this year.

But what is it about the new year that makes people suddenly think that they are serious about making an effort to get in shape? Surveys have shown that very few people actually stick to a plan when it comes to weight loss. Some tend to quit before the end of the month while others will see some results gradually before ultimately dropping off altogether due to the amount of consistent effort required to reach their goals.

While not surprising, it’s the routine of all things that causes people to lose their resolve when trying to follow a plan. For many if not most of us, it’s the anticipation period that excites us as opposed to the actual execution stage where we are trying to make good on our promises.

It’s common for fitness centers to begin their mass marketing efforts during the approaching of the new year. Revenue for fitness memberships tend to spike at this time but sees a fairly large decline shortly after as people bail once the whole stigma of the new year’s resolution has worn off. Then we find ourselves back to square one and once again, promising ourselves that we will make the effort once the summer comes along or, in many cases, to absolutely make the effort in the next new year.

Since the majority of people consider themselves too busy to stick to their new year’s resolution, we should ask ourselves if waiting for the new year is really just an excuse as a way to simply give ourselves the comfort in knowing that one day we will make the change. As experts would say, the uphill battle requires focus, commitment and dedication. Going downhill on the other hand requires no effort at all. Much the same way we are unable to say no to the amazing taste of an Iceland Deluxe Mince Pie along with Cherry Topped delicious Xmas pudding, it’s the inability to make sacrifices that kills us.

Studies have shown that the only way to follow through with a plan without having to promise ourselves that we will change in the new year is to begin making those very same sacrifices starting right now. But the sacrifices do not need to be enormous. The process of taking small steps slowly leading to bigger steps over time has proven to be the best course of action.

Much the same way a novice boxer doesn’t suddenly compete against veterans so soon, the process is long and there is a need to educate ourselves and to strengthen our mind and resolve over time, ultimately giving us the “Yes I can” attitude to help us attain our goals.

Fitness experts claim that even a brisk walk around the neighbourhood is beneficial to our health. Making some effort is far better than making no effort at all. Tiny goals lead to bigger goals as we naturally see results, and the pride we feel about ourselves once we accomplish each small goal leads to increased passion and commitment.

Keeping food journals to analyse our eating habits and caloric intake is an important step to see where we are going wrong. Portion control is another important element in the process of improved eating habits. Once we can gain control of what we eat and how much we eat, things become far easier.

The best time to work towards your goal is now, not new year’s. Start small, study your intake, and take a few walks outdoors and enjoy the beautiful fresh air. You’ll enjoy the gradual path towards change as opposed to seeing it as a burden.

The best time to work towards your goal is now, not new year’s. Start small, study your intake, and take a few walks outdoors and enjoy the beautiful fresh air. You’ll enjoy the gradual path towards change as opposed to seeing it as a burden.

Online Brain Training Effectiveness: Reality or Hype?


Being unaware of the signs of autism can result in numerous problems, from inefficient responses to inadequate help. This is exactly why being fully aware of autism and all of its symptoms is key to being able to help those who suffer from it.

Autism affects approximately 700,000 people in the UK and has a negative if not damaging effect on people should they not receive sufficient treatment. There is no sure way to diagnose autism as yet but the symptoms of autism may be detected with the right help.

Parents are generally encouraged to consult a doctor who can refer their child to specialists should the child show the inability to make any kind of eye contact, become unresponsive, become socially disengaged, or engage in repetitive actions.


Autism Facts and Statistics

  1. Autism can affect anyone of any age
  2. Autism is a diverse and mystifying condition that has been the focus of scientific research over the last few decades.
  3. Autistic spectrum disorders are thought to be more prevalent in males. Some researchers report that males make up 80% of autism cases and there are up to 15 times as many males than females with Asperger’s syndrome.
  4. Up to 40% of children who have autism have been victims of some form of abuse/bullying either at school or elsewhere.
  5. Approximately 15% of adults with autism in the UK are working in full-time jobs.
  6. 51% of those with autism are unemployed with many having been unable to find employment for up to a decade.

Unfortunately, many doctors are unable to diagnose autism due to lack of knowledge. This can cause unnecessary delays in the child receiving appropriate therapy. Many organisations are now working diligently to bring awareness to light so that it can be detected and treated at the earliest possible stages.

The Department of Health increased funds up to £500,000 to develop adequate training materials for health and social care workers. Some of the funded projects include:

    1. Royal College of Psychiatrists

The intended goal of the RCPsych is to develop training content for professionals in the healthcare industry. Materials include video-interviews of adults who suffer from Asperger syndrome and from those who are close to them including their family members and caregivers.

    1. The National Autistic Society

The NAS project’s goal is to pinpoint issues that affect the service providers involving the proper implementation of autism strategy, and to construct a solid resource to help them.

    1. The Social Care Institute for Excellence

The purpose of the SCIE is to increase the understanding of autism among social care workers. They have produced guides and videos to help social care workers become familiar with people with autism and how to best cater to their needs.

    1. British Psychological Society

BPS delivers a series of e-learning modules for adult autism awareness. The focus of the modules is to raise awareness and help build knowledge from beginning to advanced levels.

    1. Oxford University

The Oxford project builds on prior research regarding the challenges of those with autism. It focuses on the experience of family members aged 16+.

    1. Skills for Health/Skills for Care

This project worked with the NAS to develop a framework to help the training of health workers about autism. It included consultations with various people including families, commissioners, employers and all levels of staff in the field of healthcare and social care.

    1. Royal College of Nursing

The RCN projects include bullet point posters to create awareness when communicating with people with autism along with a guide for nurses on how to deal with people with autism.

    1. Royal College of General Practitioners

The RCGP has created a course for professionals and practitioners in primary care to help improve standards relating to dealing with people with autism.

For most adults with autism, being able to receive a clinical diagnosis is the most important step on the road to a comfortable life as it not only helps people and their families to understand the condition but also helps with attaining the right support and services should they be necessary.

An Introduction to Psychology


The original Psychology meaning is “analysis of the soul” (first English known reference in 1694 in The Physical Dictionary which refers to “Anatomy, which treats of the Body, and Psychology, which treats of the Soul”).

What is hidden behind this term?

Basically, Psychology is the science of the mind, which makes it one of the most difficult areas of study because of the human mind’s deep complexity. We can wonder how psychologists can explore such a mysterious thing, which seems to be hidden in the grey matter. In fact, psychology is like any other science: aiming to predict expected conducts and imagine experiments to test and prove theories. Psychology joins a wide range of related disciplines: medicine, linguistics, philosophy, sociology… From this point, several subsystems of psychology emerge. For instance, forensic psychologists evaluate criminal offenders with the aim of presenting evidence in tribunals.

A bit of History…

Some Greek philosophers have written about human behaviours and feelings. For example, Hippocrates formulated the hypothesis of mental illnesses are caused by physical reasons (approximately 4th century B.C.). Centuries after, German physician Wilhelm Wundt made himself known as the founding father of psychology, because he founded the first experimental psychological laboratory in 1879. Several schools of thought have appeared from the 19th century, including existentialism, Gestalt, artificial intelligence and many others… You may have heard of the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) who developed psychotherapy to treat unconscious conflict, especially about taboo subjects like sexuality. From this time, most of the psychological theories were criticised in order to be improved according to societies’ changes.

Interested in a career in psychology?

A career in psychology is very challenging because it concerns all aspects of life, from education, health, or management. If you want to discover how people think and act, then a career in psychology may be suitable for you. Most psychologists do not work with patients in a medical environment, meaning there are a lot of different jobs that could meet your needs.
Whether you are studying at university or have already started your career (related or not with psychology), our courses are designed to provide students with the appropriate knowledge. For further information about careers in psychology, please have a look on our website!