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A Brief History of Photography

Photography is an interesting and creative skill to have. Photography has changed so much since its invention – you’ll be surprised at just how much it has changed. Until recently, taking photos meant hoping that what you saw in the viewfinder of the camera would be replicated on the printed photo. You took photos until […]

Why the Most Researched Era In History Is Still Shrouded In Mystery

Due for release in June 2017, The Mummy stars Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe and Sofia Boutella. In the film, Princess Ahmanet (Boutella) was burned alive beneath the sands of Egypt over 2,000 ago, as punishment for killing her father. When her tomb is rediscovered and opened in modern times, she remerges as a malevolent sprit […]

How the Great Wall of China Became Great

Released in China in mid-December 2016, the ‘Great Wall’ film starring Matt Damon in its lead role, discovers the mystery behind one of the greatest wonders of the world – the Great Wall of China. Wave after wave of magical beasts attack the massive structure, and to defend it, Damon’s character goes on a journey […]