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Why Victorian Detective Methods Are Still Used Today

Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Originally created for a series of books and novels eventually, the great detective appeared on the small and big screen. The recent resurrection of the character by Stephen Moffatt and Mark Gatiss, and played by Benedict Cumberbatch, has ignited our interest in how […]

Guy Fawkes – Criminal Profile Of An Arsonist

November 5th, a time to gather round the bonfire and enjoy the fireworks at an organised display. Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes marks the Gunpowder Plot, a failed attempt by Guy Fawkes and his gang of friends to blow up Parliament on November 5th 1605. The plot can be lost in the commercialism of Bonfire […]

Study Criminology Online

People commit crimes for all kinds of reasons – out of ignorance or fear, for example. Sometimes they do so as a result of complex psychological reasons or compulsive behaviours. Some people have a blatant disrespect for the law, for the safety of others but other people are not always aware that their actions and […]

Can I Take A Criminology Course At Home?

Criminology is a fascinating area of study. It is the scientific study of crime, its causes and response by law enforcement agencies, as well as examining methods of prevention. It is a sub-group of sociology which is the scientific study of behaviour. There are many sub-groups within criminology itself, which is why if are looking […]

Where Can I Find Criminology Courses Online?

This could be one of the reasons why you are searching from criminology courses online. You may also be interested in a career within a related field and having a criminology qualification will be valuable. What is criminology? Criminology is the study of crime from a social perspective. For example, what the causes of crime […]