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Find Out How Crimes Are Solved (and How YOU Can Solve Them!)

From motoring offences to murder, people commit crimes every day. Some of these are unintentional, with no premeditation or planning – they just happen, such as a car accident. Other people meticulously plan the crime they commit, right down to the last detail. They will take many steps to avoid detection. When (or if) they […]

Why Victorian Detective Methods Are Still Used Today

Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Originally created for a series of books and novels eventually, the great detective appeared on the small and big screen. The recent resurrection of the character by Stephen Moffatt and Mark Gatiss, and played by Benedict Cumberbatch, has ignited our interest in how […]

Where Can I Find Criminology Courses Online?

This could be one of the reasons why you are searching from criminology courses online. You may also be interested in a career within a related field and having a criminology qualification will be valuable. What is criminology? Criminology is the study of crime from a social perspective. For example, what the causes of crime […]