Meet the Team!

Dan Westhead – Web Support Assistant

Dan is the first, in what will be a monthly feature where we will introduce you to the staff at NCC!

Dan started working at NCC in August 2012, he originally started out as an apprentice with the St Helen’s College. Working his way steadily through the apprenticeship, Dan was able to learn all the different aspects of the business and gain an understanding of how the industry works. Dan was interviewed for an internal position of web development assistant and passed with flying colours to gain the title. Dan will now focus working alongside the business development team and understanding the technical aspects of web development.

Favourite Aspect within your job: Building websites and creating new online content
Your favourite fact: The founder of, Gary Kremen, lost his girlfriend to a man she met on
Favourite Hobbies and Interests: Eating, FIFA and football
  • Favourite Aspect within your job: Building websites and creating new online content
  • Your favourite fact: The founder of, Gary Kremen, lost his girlfriend to a man she met on
  • Hobbies and Interests: Eating, FIFA and football