Is A Forensic Science Home Study Course Right For Me?

Every time we move, breath, use or touch something, we leave behind a trace. It may be unseen to the naked eye but in a space that we have occupied, there will be evidence that we were there.

Knowing where to look and how to process a crime scene is part and parcel of what a forensic scientist does. When a crime is thought to have been committed, finding evidence is an important part of the process. The evidence that is found can form the cornerstone of a court case and so this is not something to be taken lightly.

People are convicted or acquitted based on the what the evidence tells us. It is a dynamic, fast-paced career, where no two days are the same. You can bear witness to crimes and events that are sad, difficult and unpleasant. You can make the difference to whether a crime is solved or not.

Forensic science – a wide area of study
If you have career ambitions to become a forensic scientist, you will start your journey to a new career with a ‘basic’ course that outlines the field. You will note it is a large area of study.

You will begin to understand why things are done as they are, order your thoughts as you approach a crime scene and become systematic in the way you work in an area. You will learn not to question the evidence but listen to what it has to say.

This is an important building block and like most careers of this kind, gaining skills, qualifications and experience is key to a successful career in forensic science.

The next step

Career progression is possible in this field of work which is why many people wishing to study forensic science courses will do so in an incremental way. In other words, they will build their skills and qualifications over time.

Once they have a broad base, they may then look to specialise in certain areas. Ballistics, for example, the study of traces left behind when weapons are fired, along with other weapons, is a specialism that some crime scene investigators have.

They can determine where the gun was fired, the angle it was fired at as well as any other evidence it leaves behind. They can determine where the shooter was stood and why the person was hit and so on.

They can also tell investigators what evidence they would be looking for on the perpetrator, such as residue on hands or clothes, maybe a smell as

The choice of how and when you study is yours, as is the pace you study at. This is true of all our courses and not just those in the field of forensic science courses.

well as blood splatter which, even though blood can be washed off, will leave a trace.

Why opt for home study?
Learning a new skill and gaining a new qualification can be expensive:

  • Debt – where you have to give up your job to study, it means having to borrow to cover basic bills. Although students do work in evening and weekends, over the course of time, it can leave you seriously in debt.
  • Cost of study – add on to the cost of living is tuition costs. Universities, colleges and schools all have overheads and thus, they have to charge for various courses, as well as exam fees if there are any. Some courses can be more expensive than others.
  • Cost of equipment – forensic science, along with other areas of study, may also require you to buy or have the access to some kinds of equipment. With the cost of the course and living already draining your financial resources, it can be tough finding extra cash for such things.

In some ways, attending college leads to a prescribed way in which to learn; lectures and classes are all timetabled and if you can’t make it… the only option is to attend, or fall behind.

With home study, you don’t have all these extras pressures. You can study when you want and, more importantly, when you can. You self-manage and direct your studies. You can choose to work when and how it suits you best. Some students prefer to set time aside and have a few hours at the books, so to speak, whilst others prefer to the ‘little and often’ approach, reading materials on the bus home from work, or spending an hour on an assessment in an evening or before going to work.

The choice of how and when you study is yours, as is the pace you study at. This is true of all our courses and not just those in the field of forensic science courses. Gaining forensic skills could open doors to all kinds of careers too.

Enrolling is simple and takes minutes
Within minutes you could be enrolled on one of our forensic science courses. Choose the course and the level that you are working at, opt for either paper or online course and then choose how to pay. You can take the plunge and pay in one lump sum or you can opt for pay monthly, with a small deposit to secure your course.

You can start your course anytime; there is no need to wait for the new academic year in September! And we offer great support too. Start your journey now…
