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How To Spot Signs of Autism In Children

“Think of it: a disability is usually defined in terms of what is missing. … But autism … is as much about what is abundant as what is missing, an over-expression of the very traits that make our species unique,” – Paul Collins, ‘Not Even Wrong: Adventures in Autism’ Autism (autistic spectrum disorder, or ASD) […]

Life Coaching – Who is it For?

Unfortunately, some therapies and ideas have become pigeon-holed, like life coaching. Many people assume that you only need a life coach when you are emotionally unwell or life is failing. But this is not the case. So who is life coaching for? The short answer is everyone. Life coaching is a powerful process and works […]

What Reflexology Can Do for You

From lowering stress levels to easing pain, reflexologists claim that it is a skill that brings many benefits. Is there any truth in it, though? Reflexology is a treatment that has been around for centuries. From ancient Chinese and Egyptians to modern day reflexologists, it has long been seen as an ‘alternative treatment’ for common […]

What is the Link Between Autism and Asperger’s?

There are so many phrases and words used interchangeably to describe symptoms and syndromes, that it can be hard to work out what is being referred to. This article looks at autism and Asperger’s, exploring the links between the two and what this means when working with or looking after someone with autism and Asperger’s. […]

Managing Physical and Mental Health at Work

Whatever faces you, you are entitled to work where capable – and it should not affect how managers and colleagues treat you. Here’s how to acknowledge a health condition with your employer, and work through it positively. For too long, people with long-term physical health problems or those people with mental health issues have been […]

The Increasing Demand for Life Coaches

If you’re considering a career in life coaching, then now may just be the perfect time to kick it off. Demand is growing rapidly in this previously little-known field and now might just be the best time to embark into it. There are plenty of great life coaching courses and resources available online that you […]

In What Ways Does Insecure Work Impact Our Mental Health

Mental health issues have been a huge point of discussion over the last few years. As our lives get increasingly stressful, complex, and hectic, many people have been dealing with poor mental health. It can strike anyone, no matter what their situation or status. As a society, we definitely need to become more aware of how […]

A Guide to Autism Awareness in the Workplace

Working with someone who is on the autistic spectrum can be an enriching experience, but it can also present certain unique challenges. Autistic people can sometimes require additional support in the workplace. If you’re an employer looking to find out more about potential challenges, and how to avoid and overcome them, then there are plenty […]

10 Foods to Give Your Brain Power a Boost!

You know the old saying – you are what you eat! There are plenty of foods out there that give us the extra energy we need at times. If you are studying hard, you need to keep your brain in tip-top condition. What foods should you be including in your diet to give the old […]